31 ianuarie, 2013

New project proposal- Call 2013

The project is supported by a strong and stable partnership consisting of: Technical College "Costin D. Nenitescu" Pitesti, as the applicant and the referring institution, Siemens partner school profile and Uerdingen Berufskolleg the city Krefeld, Germany as institutions host.
Participants will have 12 students in class XI, technical, technician qualification in automation and electromechanical technician Level 3 Technical College "Costin D. Nenitescu" Pitesti.
Training needs of participants, identified through the SWOT analysis is to develop the European dimension of their professional competence through the acquisition of skills and competencies in real conditions and in an international environment and work life.
The project will encourage the application of transfer of learning outcomes between the two schools in Romania and Germany, through the use of ECVET Memorandum of Understanding, Learning Agreement, Agreement and Europass mobility training.
The specific objectives are:
1. development of professional skills of the participants for automation technician qualifications and electromechanical technician through ECVET mobility;
2. developing communication skills in English, social and intercultural skills of the participants in an international environment;
3. strengthening of cooperation between European partner schools and training institutions by promoting ECVET;
The specific objectives will be achieved through training activities and cultural training where participants will take part during placement alternatively one week in Siemens partner school profile and Uerdingen Berufskolleg of Germania.In both training institutions, participants will have modern facilities in the area, competent trainers and everything necessary for full achievement of project objectives.
The content of the training program, methods of assessment, certification, validation and recognition of learning outcomes were established by negotiation with partner institutions and will be detailed in documents ECVET Memorandum of Understanding, Learning Agreement, Europass Training Agreement and Training.
The project implementation will achieve results at all levels of the parties involved - participants, institutions, partnerships. The dissemination of results, especially those of using ECVET elements, the impact will be extended to regional and national level. The main outcome of the project will be 12 participants with professional skills, language and social improvement. Other results will be reflected in the increase in the mobility of school qualifications mentioned IVT, increasing the chances of integration of the European labor market participants by allowing a flexible retraining the related trades.
The project will contribute to the promotion of ECVET in Romania and to increase visibility LdV program in the region, with effect involving a larger number of institutions in this type of projects. School prestige and attractiveness will increase TVET in the community.
At the sectoral level, the project will contribute to the development of specific curricular auxiliary electronics and automation that can be used by other institutions concerned.
After final evaluation each participant will receive a Certificate mobility and validation and recognition results obtained by participants during the training period will be further mobility, school reference, based on ECVET documents agreed with German partners in conformormitate with OMECT no. 4931/29.07.2008.
Mobilitatatea have a duration of 2 weeks and will run in period 05.05-18.05.2014. The project will last 12 months from contract date till 17.09.2014.

05 ianuarie, 2013

Pregatire lingvistica proiect LLP-LdV/IVT/2012/RO/279


Prima sedinta de pregatire va avea loc in data de 19 ianuarie.
Programul va fi de 4 ore ( de la 9,00- 13,00).

  1. Nicolae Florin Alexandru -  cls. XII D
  2. Paius Oana                       - cls. XII D
  3. Ungureanu George           -cls. XII D
  4. Zavoianu Ana Maria        - cls. XII D
  5. Azimioara Ioana               - cls. XI C
  6. Toma Alina                      - cls. XI C
  7. Neacsu Alexandru            - cls. XI C
  8. Petrescu Bogdan               - cls. XIII E (Rezerva)

Pentru aceasta grupa, Programul de pregatire va fi anuntat ulterior.

  1. Oprea Diana – cls. XII D
  2. Tanase Iuliana –cls. XIII E
  3. Mirtoiu Catalin – cls. XI C
  4. Voiculescu George – cls. XI C
  5. Cinca Floriana – cls. XI D
  6. Ciocoi Ionut – cls. XIII F (rezerva)
  7. Bosneag Vasilica – cls. XII D (rezerva)
  8. Soare Larisa – cls XI C (rezerva)
Best regards,
resp. proiect