Promoting transparency of competences acquired through initial vocational training mobility in the field of industrial chemistry.
Summary of the project
The project will involve 12 students from Technical College Costin D. Nenitescu Pitesti, who are in initial professional training, in the field of industrial chemistry, level 3 qualifications, laboratory chemical technician grade XII and industrial chemistry tecchnician grade XIII.
The training needs of the target group have been identified by the SWOT analysis and mainly consist of the necessity of developing the participants’practical abilities, by taking part in a practice stage in real working conditions, a fact which is impossible to accomplish in their country in the present context, when the traditional economic agent is dissolved and the technical equipment of the technologic laboratory in the school is not fit to sustain the practical themes indicated by the curricula.In the present context when the chemical industry sector is restructuring, the placement is contributing to the development of the participants’ competences and increases their chances of integration on the european labour market.
The specific objectives of the project have been established according to the participants’ needs which had been previously described and, in agreement with the Leonardo da Vinci programme objectives from 2012 Appeal they aim at developing the participants’ professional and personal competences.
The main objectives of the project are:Principalele obiective ale proiectului sunt:
- developing the 12 participants’ professional competences in the field of industrial chemistry, and production of organic compounds by training in a modern european instruction centre.
- developing the participants’ capacity of team working in an international context in order to develop their professional mobility and their ability to integrate on the european labour market.
- developing the partcipants’ abilities to communicate in English.
The participants will practice in the training centre Currenta where they will work in mixed teams formed of German and Romanian students.They will be encouraged to work autonomously, to carry out a progressive learning situation, in some certain stages of practical tasks assisted by the trainerand in other ones independently. The trainer will watch together with the monitoring teacher the participant’s daily progress and together they will take the necessary measures to optimize the results obtained and to accomplish all the objectives proposed by the project. Through the activities of pedagogic, linguistic and cultural training the objectives of the participants’ personal development will be achieved.
The main results by the project, as far as the participants and institutions are concerned, will be:
12 participants with new professional competences in the field of industrial chemistry, with improved abilities of teamworking in an international context and with a better ability to communicate in English;
developing the european dimension of the professional training in the applying school by cooperating in its students’ practical training with european institutions;
increasing school’s prestige and its attractiveness as VET education institution both locally and regionally;
consolidating its partneship with european institutions in the field of VET.
The products made during the projects will be: a curricular auxiliary elaborated by the chemistry engineers department on the basis of the materials used during mobility; DVDs with all the materials resulted in the project; photo album with representative images for the project; Power Point presentation of the project in Romanian and English; the web page of the project; folders with the main information about the project in Romanian and English.
The project will take place in Krefeld town in Germany, in partnership with VET school Berufskolleg Uerdingen in Krefeld (intermediary institution) and Currenta practical training centre.
The development period of the project will be 01.09.2012 – 31.08.2013 and the placement will take place between 10.03-23.03.2013