23 noiembrie, 2011

Rezultatele concursului de selectie proiect electro

Rezultatele concursului de selectie proiect "Electron-eu"
Au fost postate rezultatele concursului de selectie a participantilor la proiectul " Dezvoltarea dimensiunii europene a competentelor profesionale in domeniul electronica si automatizari" pe blogul proiectului:

25 octombrie, 2011

Soldul final la proiectul LLP-LdV/IVT/2010/RO/198

Toto participantii la proiectul  LLP-LdV/IVT/2010/RO/198 derulat in Germania in aprilie 2011 vor fi prezenti maine 26 octombrie ora 13.50 la Biroul pentru Programe Comunitare pentru a primi Restul de plata din Grantul alocat pentru sejur.

23 septembrie, 2011

Proiect abrobat spre finantare

Proiectul cu tema Managementul deseurilor reciclabile a fost aprobat spre finantare. Site-ul proiectului : http://waste-manag.blogspot.com/

04 august, 2011

Summary of the project LLP-LdV/IVT/2010/RO/198

The placement project with the topic “ Applications of the instrumental analysis methods in the chemistry laboratory” was developed within the international cooperation strategy of the Technical College “C.D. Nenitescu” Pitesti( the institution being certified for this type of projects).The target group was formed of 12 students in initial professional training in this technical college, with the profile “Natural resources and Environmental Protection”, level 3 of qualification, XI- th grade; among the group, 10 students had the “Laboratory Chemistry Technician” qualification and 2 students had the “Environmental Technician and Environment Quality Protection” qualification.
The planned results of the project aimed at developing the competences of the 12 participants by: experimenting the instrumental analysis methods with the purpose of determining the main characteristics of raw materials and/or finite products in the chemical industry and in the field of natural resources and environment protection; interpreting the results of the instrumental analyses; increasing the abilities of communicating in a foreign language and of team working in an international context.
The placement took place between 04.04–15.04.2011 in Krefeld, Germany, the participants being divided into two groups that alternatively worked for a week in the host school (Berufskolleg Uerdingen) and for a week in Currenta training centre of Bayer Uerdingen.
The participants worked individually under the German students and teachers’ guidance as well as in a team, having the possibility to better understand this concept. The mixed learning methods consisted of active participation centred on the student and individual/group training and stimulated creativity and logical thinking, self-esteem and confidence in performing the practical work during the daily training programme. 
The placement resulted in acquiring new knowledge, abilities and competences in performing the instrumental analysis works. The partipants’ programme was applied on the „Instrumental Analysis” module which is part of their training programme in the sending institution. In the labs of the host school the participants performed the following practical works: determining the concentration of an   ethylic alcohol solution using the ABBE refractometer, determining the Ph, determining the concentration of a sugar solution with the immersion refractometer, determining acids and bases of different concentration by ph-metric method, separating a mixture of colorants by thin-layer cromatography. During the week spent at Bayer( Currenta centre) the participants performed  the following practical works: analysing the composition of a mixture of alcohols by gaseous cromatography, separating a mixture of organic compounds by liquid cromatography, determining the concentrations of some coloured solutions by photocolorimetric method, performing conductometric determinations, spectrophotometric determination of a concetration of a solution, dosing the concentration of Cu 2+ in a solution by electrogravimetric methods. At the end of each day the participants filled in the daily practice sheet and the report of the work performed according to the programme presented above.
In addition to the works stipulated in the Training Agreement the participants performed two other extremely interesting practical applications of instrumental analysis methods. They obtained an indicator out of red cabbage( cyanidine) in the form of a liquid extract whose ph was then measured. Another interesting application was determining the phosphoric acid content in soft drinks. During the last day of stage all participants have given a practical examination to evaluate the competences acquired during the placement, in order to be certified and validated by ECVET system.
All the objectives of the project were fully acquired and satisfied completely the targets proposed.In developing the placement project there were involved some VET institutions as well as enterprises where the participants performed the practical training, thus leading to developing and strengthening the collaboration relations between the beneficiary institution and the host institution ( a prestigious VET institution in Germany). The cooperation between the two VET institutions will continue in the future by implementing the next mobility projects approved for 2011. At the same time the cooperation between European enterprises and the beneficiary institution. Thus, Bayer by its training centre Currenta expressed its firm agreement to continue the cooperation with the beneficiary school. In March 2012 another group of students from Pitesti will have a training stage at this firm.
Taking part in this placement brought the participants the following benefits:
  • Developing their professional competences by experimenting and using modern instrumental analysis methods and equipment. During the entire placement the participants were encouraged to work individually, to experience the active participation methods centred on the student. The activity was developed in small groups, which permitted the students to understand the basic principles of the works performed and to practice the abilities of using the lab equipment. 
  • Developing the participants’ linguistic abilities by the training programme and  by communicating in English during the placement. All participants had a remarkable progress in their English knowledge obtaining a superior competence level compared to the initial one.
  • Developing the participants’ behaviour competences which materialized in a bigger confidence in their own forces, in their capacity of communicating in a foreign language, and of coping with new situations.Taking part in this placement had favourable effects on the participants’ personal development by increasing their self-esteem due to the good and very good results with which they finalized the placement.  
  • Developing the intercultural competences as a consequence of the information received during the cultural training programme, of the visits made and of the communication with the German students and teachers; the participants came daily in contact with different persons or institutions in the host country of whom they got a lot of information with a positive impact on their capacity to understand another culture; they also knew directly the way of working and living in the host country.
  • Developing their capacity of adaptation ( solving problems, team work); the participants managed to integrate themselves very well in the group and to interact excellently within the group as well as with the other persons with whom they came in contact. The group functioned as a powerful team capable to solve their current problems, inherent to any other similar situation; an extremely important benefit is developing the capacity of team working in an international context. In comparison with the other groups of participants in the previous projects this group proved the most powerful capacity to adjust to a new way of work and life.
Developing the competences of using the internet and computer science in the participants’initial professional training; participants used the internet for documentation and for translations(Google Translate). Via the computer they precessed the data obtained in teir instrumental analysis works, they traced diagrams, titration curves etc.(most of the equipment being connected to a computer). During the project the participants became familiar to blogs and forums as communication instruments. Before leaving in the placement they were initiated in using the intranet and they learned how to fill in the individual reports in the Leopass database. All these activities contributed to developing the participants’ abilities to use the computer, the internet and intranet. 
The validation of the competences acquired by the participants during placement was possible by establishing a work programme based on a curricula module which is part of the participants’ training in the sending institution and by evaluating and certifying the competences acquired.
 The evaluation of the competences acquired by the participants during the mobility stage consisted of the current evaluation made at the end of each practical work from the work programme and of the final evaluation within which each participant performed a practical work from those included in the work programme. All participants have obtained the cerfication and validation of the placement and they received the Europass Training Certificate issued by the Technical College Costin D. Nenitescu Pitesti and validated by Berufskolleg Uerdingen Krefeld, signed by the legal representatives of both institutions. The sending institution validated the competences acquired on the basis of this document in accordance with the Ministry Of Education order concerning the certification of practice stages in Europe by ECVET system. 
The project is remarkable by the quality of the partnership, by the work programme applied on a professional training module of the participants which is part of the curricula - curricular area Technologies. By disseminating the results of the project at local and regional levels our educational institution’s prestige and attractiveness increased considerably. Detailed information concerning the project may be accessed on the project’s blog http://ani-chim.blogspot.com.

29 iunie, 2011

Doua proiecte europene de formare profesionala in Germania aprobate pentru 2012

Am asteptat cu emotie publicarea rezultatelor evaluarii propunerilor de proiecte europene de formare profesionala din 4 feb.2011.
Rezultatul : ambele proiecte depuse au fost aprobate si se vor derula in martie 2012 in Germania.

28 iunie, 2011

Selectie ca exemplu de bune practici la nivel european

Astazi am avut bucuria sa primesc de la Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale urmatorul mesaj prin care proiectul nostru a fost propus ca exemplu de bune practici la nivel european:

Proiectul de Mobilitati Leonardo da Vinci, cu numarul LLP-LdV/IVT/ 2009/RO/103 derulat de dumneavoastra a fost selectat de Agentia Nationala ca exemplu de buna practica privind implementarea ECVET.
Din acest motiv este necesara completarea de informatii referitoare la proiect in baza de date europeana ADAM.
Va rugam sa cititi fisierul si sa raspundeti solicitarii noastre.
Va multumim!

04 mai, 2011


Pentru calitatea proiectelor europene de formare profesională Leonardo da Vinci derulate în perioada 1997-2010, Colegiul Tehnic "Costin D. Neniţescu" Piteşti a primit "Diploma de excelenţă" acordată de Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului şi de Agenţia Naţională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi formării Profesionale.  Diploma a fost acordată cu ocazia împlinirii a 15 ani de la lansarea Programului Leonardo da Vinci în Europa, pentru contribuţia şcolii noastre la implementarea în România  a  politicilor europene şi naţionale în domeniul învăţământului profesional şi tehnic.

Programul “Leonardo da Vinci”, a fost iniţiat şi lansat de Uniunea Europeană în anul 1994, ca un program comunitar de cooperare transnaţională  în domeniul formării profesionale a forţei de muncă.  România participă la Programul “Leonardo da Vinci”, ca partener cu drepturi depline, începând cu 1 septembrie 1997.Scopul acestui program îl reprezintă creşterea calităţii, a caracterului inovator şi a dimensiunii europene în sistemele şi practicile de formare profesională şi promovarea unei  Europe a cunoaşterii prin realizarea unui spaţiu european de cooperare în domeniul educaţiei şi formării profesionale.
Colegiul Tehnic "Costin D. Neniţescu" Piteşti se numără printre primele instituţii din România care s-au implicat activ în  Programul European de Formare Profesională “Leonardo da Vinci”, având o participare constantă prin cele peste 40 proiecte de formare profesională iniţială şi continuă derulate în parteneriat cu instituţii de prestigiu din Germania: firma Bayer, firma Siemens, Fachhochschule Niederhein, Berufskolleg Uerdingen, firmele Alberdigk Boley şi Evonyk, primăriile din Krefeld şi Duisburg, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie din landul Rhenania de Nord Westphalia, Germania. Proiectele au fost finalizate cu rezultate excelente, majoritatea fiind desemnate ca exemple de bună practică la nivel naţional şi european.  
Ultimul proiect nr. LLP-LdV/IVT/2010/RO198 cu tema ″Aplicaţii ale metodelor de analiză instrumentală în laboratoarele chimice” se regăseşte în strategia de internaţionalizare a Colegiului Tehnic "Costin D. Neniţescu" Piteşti pentru perioada 2008-2013. Instituţia de primire-Berufskolleg Uerdingen este un colegiu tehnic de prestigiu din oraşul Krefeld, Germania care asigură formarea profesională iniţială pentru circa 2800 de elevi, în domeniile: resurse naturale şi protecţia mediului, chimie industrială, mecatronică, informatică, telecomunicaţii, economic, electronică şi automatizări.
Proiectul a avut ca scop formarea unui grup de 12 participanţi de la Colegiul Tehnic "Costin D. Neniţescu" Piteşti pe modulul ANALIZĂ INSTRUMENTALĂ, care se regăseşte în curriculum-ul pentru următoarele calificări de nivel 3: Tehnician ecolog şi controlul calităţii mediului, Tehnician chimist de laborator şi Tehnician în chimie industrială. plasamentul s-a derulat în Krefeld , Germania  în perioada 03.04 - 16.04.2011.
Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului au  vizat dezvoltarea competenţelor participanţilor prin:
- experimentarea metodelor de analiză instrumentală, în scopul determinării principalelor
   caracteristici ale materiilor prime şi/sau produselor finite din industria chimică şi din domeniul
   Resurselor naturale si protecţiei mediului;
- interpretarea rezultatelor analizelor instrumentale;
- creşterea capacităţii de comunicare într-o limbă străină şi de a lucra în echipă în context
Perioada de formare din Germania este recunoscută în ţară de Ministerul Educaţiei Cercetării Tineretului şi Sportului  prin credite transferabile obţinute în urma evaluării şi certificării competenţelor dobândite pe perioada plasamentului care a constat în realizarea unei lucrări practice dintre cele efectuate în timpul stagiului, urmată de acordarea Documentelor Europass Training, a Certificatelor de stagiu şi a certificatelor de pregătire lingvistică.
In februarie 2011 şcoala noastră a  depus   două propuneri de proiecte Leonardo da Vinci care sunt în faza de evaluare. Rezultatele finale vor fi publicate pe site-ul ANPCDEFP la sfârşitul lunii mai 2011 şi sper că vor fi aprobate spre finanţare. Noutatea o reprezintă faptul că unul dintre proiecte este pentru domeniul de formare Electronică iar elevii  participanţi vor efectua practică la firma Siemens –filiala Krefeld,  din Germania.
Informaţii detaliate despre proiectele derulate sunt postate pe paginile web şi pe blogurile proiectelor (; http://ani-chim.blogspot.com ; http://mzmp.blogspot.com).
Impactul rezultatelor proiectelor derulate se reflectă atât în dezvoltarea personală şi profesională a participanţilor – circa 500 elevi şi 20 cadrelor didactice din România şi Germania - cât şi al şcolii şi al comunităţii locale prin creşterea prestigiului şi vizibilităţii acestora în România şi  în Europa.
Următoarele proiecte coordonate de colegii germani se vor derula în toamna 2011 în şcoala noastră ( durata 3 săptămâni) iar în martie 2012 se vor derula în Germania proiectele propuse (durata 2 săptămâni). Selecţia participanţilor se va efectua printr-un concurs care va fi anunţat în timp util (perioada probabilă de susţinere dec.2011-ian.2012).
Mult succes viitorilor candidaţi!

Responsabil Programe Comunitare şi
Integrare Europeană,
Prof.ing. Magdalena Zaharescu

20 aprilie, 2011

Un nou proiect european de succes

The summary of the project LLP-LdV/IVT/2010/RO/198

The Leonardo da Vinci mobility project "Applications of instrumental analysis methods in chemical laboratories" is reflected in the strategy of internationalization of the Technical College "Costin D. Nenitescu" Pitesti, initial vocational training education institution in the areas of training: Natural resources and environmental protection - Laboratory technician specializations and Environmental Engineer and protection of the environment, Technical - qualifications in industrial chemistry, chemistry technician in industrial and automation technician. Organization receiving-Berufskolleg Uerdingen (BKU) is a prestigious technical college in the town of Krefeld, Germany which provides initial training for about 2,500 students in the fields of natural resources and environmental protection, industrial chemistry, mechatronics, IT and telecommunications, electronics and automation. Both have a constant participation in Leonardo da Vinci sectoral program, both as a promoter and as partner and in 2009 year received Institutional mobility Certificate (LdV - CERT/2009/RO/006, respectively /09/LLP-LdV/MC/Z072), confirming their expertise in project management IVT mobility.The project aims at training a group of 12 participants from the Technical College "Costin D. Nenitescu" Pitesti, on module INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS which is reflected in the curriculum for the next qualification level 3: Environmental Technician and environmental quality control, Technician of laboratory, Technician in industrial chemistry.
The specific objectives of the project participants to develop skills in:
- testing methods of instrumental analysis, to determine the main characteristics of materials and / or finished products of chemical industry and natural resources and environmental protection;
- Interpreting the results of instrumental analysis;
- Increasing the capacity of communicating in a foreign language and work as a team in an international context;
Evaluation and validation of the acquired skills during the placement will be to achieve a practical work of those made during the training period, followed by Europass documents, certificates of training and language training certificates.
The periode of the placement: from 03.04 - 16.04.2011.

19 martie, 2011

O iarna dificila

Dupa o perioa de aproximativ 2 luni  in care am avut serioase probleme de sanatate, ma pregatesc intens pentru plecarea in Germania, impreuna cu cei 12 elevi participanti la un proiect de formare profesionala Leonardo da Vinci , derulat in cadrul programului european Lifelong Learning ( Invatare pe tot parcursul vietii).
Sper ca primavara sa vina mai .."repejor"!
Din pacate, in acest moment, aud comentariile de la TV in care se discuta despre iminenta interventie in Libia!
Sunt impotriva oricarei agresiuni si sper ca problemele din zona sa se rezolve pe cale diplomatica. 

04 februarie, 2011

Propuneri noi de proiecte

In cadrul Apelului European 2011 am depus doua proiecte de mobilitate Leonardo da Vinci:
- Valorificarea deseurilor reciclabile
- Dezvoltarea dimensiunii europene a competentelor profesionale in domeniul electronica si automatizari.